3 things that annoy this Specialist Physiotherapist (and should annoy you too)
There are things that annoy pelvic floor physios – or at least this one! It’s rant time – most of the time I’m polite and restrained (ok, that restrained bit might be pushing it!) but there are times when it’s time to stand up and make some noise. TV and magazine ad’s that tell you to just ‘slap on a pad’ and continue with your life/activities. No - don’t do this, go and see a pelvic floor physio and get treatment please: over 80% success rate with physiotherapy can’t be argued with. Don’t just put a band-aid on it (i.e., a incontinence pad), get some help to stop the leaking in the first place. I’ve no problem with using incontinence pads when needed, but please get help before just resorting…